Information for Parents

Support For Our Parents

We understand this may be the first time your child will be away from home for an extended period of time. Because of this, we understand, you may have many doubts and concerns about what we do at the camp. Let us take a minute to explain what the program is about and what you and your child can expect.

The camp staff is available to assist your family. Your child’s Case Manager is the person who is responsible for your child’s coordination of treatment. The Case Manager is the staff with whom you will have the most contact. We also have Youth Service Counseling staff who will help your child with day to day activities, assignments, and advancement preparation. The Case Manager and Youth Counselors have a real concern for the welfare of your child but under no circumstances will they accept inappropriate behavior. Their job is to teach your child to become a more responsible person. They will expect your child to act responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Zero Tolerance Policy

China Spring Youth Camp has a Zero Tolerance Policy against all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The protection of the facility’s youth against all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment is important.  All employees, staff, residents, contract employees, contract services personnel, volunteers and visitors are subject to the Zero Tolerance Policy.

How do I report sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment?
Residents of the facility have the right to report sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment free of retaliation and consequence. Reports can be filed in the following ways:

  1. Tell a trusted staff member, request a supervisor, or request to speak to a member of Administration. Administration accepts phone calls 24 hours a day.
  2. Complete a Grievance form and place in the secured box.
  3. Ask staff to make a private phone call and contact one of the listed outside agencies provided during intake.
  4. Use the dorm phone to select a pre-programmed number:
    1. Line 1: Internal PREA Message Line for PREA Compliance Manager. This is checked by message and email by the PREA Compliance Manager.
    2. Line 2: Contact Family Support Council for Victim Services, Emotional Support, or to contact your designated advocate. 775-782-8692.
      1. Physical Address: 1255 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410
      2. Mailing: P.O. Box 810 Minden, NV 89423
    3. Line 3: Contact the Reno Crisis Call Center 1-800-992-5757
      1. 900 N. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89557
  5. Residents may also request a private phone call to their parents, JPO, attorney, or other guardian.
  6. Parents or other third parties may report on behalf of a resident using any of the contact numbers provided on the website, including contacting Douglas County Sheriff’s Office.

Additionally, residents of China Spring Youth Camp will receive ongoing PREA Education about their protection of sexual abuse and sexual harassment from the PREA Compliance Manager or designee. The curriculum will be designed to be age appropriate and take into consideration any limitations the resident may have.

When a complaint rises to the level of an internal investigation it will be assigned to a designated individual. All criminal investigations will be referred to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. If the Sheriff’s Office declines to investigate, CSYC will initiate an Administrative Investigation.

All residents have an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from all aspects of the agency’s efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment. China Spring Youth Camp will provide alternative written material, formats that accommodate the hearing and vision impaired, and delivery methods that will allow for effective understanding and communication with residents upon intake.

Additional Information

Please use the provided links and supported documents on this page to explore the China Spring Youth Camp services, programs, and rules.


The physical address of the facility is:
225 China Spring Road
Gardnerville, NV 89410

Once in Minden / Gardnerville: Drive South on 395, turn right at China Spring Road. Drive for 2.5 miles until you arrive in camp (the road ends in camp). Once in camp you will see the CSYC (male) dormitory on your right and APGF (female) dormitory is at the bottom of the road to your left.

From Topaz area: Drive North on 395, turn left on the China Spring Youth Camp Sign. Follow the above directions.