The Ninth Judicial District Court maintains court records from 1925 through the present date. Information may be obtained by request. The cost of searching records in the Ninth Judicial District Court is .50 per year per name (NRS 19.013). Information can be requested in person at the counter, by mail, or by fax. We cannot receive payment by fax. Credit cards may be used telephonically but credit card numbers will not be accepted via U.S. Mail or by fax. The cost of copies is .50 per page and $3.00 to certify documents. Exemplified documents cost $6.00 per document. Our office is located at 1038 Buckeye Rd., Minden, Nevada 89423, Second Floor. The cost for searching records and/or copies must be paid prior to processing your request.
Sealed records or any document marked “SEALED BY ORDER OF THE COURT” ARE NOT open to public inspection. No individual may view an adoption record without an Order from the Court.
It is illegal to remove any documents, files, or exhibits from the Clerk’s Office for viewing (NRS 239.300)
Unsealed admitted evidence may be viewed by appointment only and requires a government-issued and valid photo identification. The viewing of any evidence will be accompanied by a Deputy Clerk.