Prison Rape Elimination Act

Zero Tolerance Policy

Douglas County Juvenile Detention has a Zero Tolerance Policy against all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The protection of the facility’s youth against all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment is important. All employees, detainee’s, contract employees, contract services personnel, volunteers and visitors are subject to the Zero Tolerance Policy.

How do I report sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment?

If a detainee has been a victim of Sexual Assault or Harassment while in a juvenile detention center or treatment program, you have the right to free medical treatment and counseling. Reporting of any sexual assault or harassment is confidential and all victims and informants will be protected against retaliation for making a report.  Reporting systems available to detainee’s are direct reporting to any staff, use of the back of grievance form and secure grievance box, written statement handed to any staff, request to speak with the facility supervisor, chief or deputy chief probation officer, clergy, counselor, attorney, medical or mental health staff.  Reports may also be made through a third party.

Detainees that have been a victim of sexual assault that did not occur in a treatment facility or detention center may file a report with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. Support will be available to any person in need of medical or counseling services.

Family Support Council 775-782-8692 (24 hours)

DCFS Child Mental Health (775) 688-1600

Stateline Medical Center for Medical Assessments (775) 589-8900

Crisis Call Center (victim advocacy) (775)784-8090 (24 hours) P.O Box 8016 Reno, NV 89507

Detainees may also request a private phone call to their parents, JPO, attorney, or other guardian.

Parents or other third parties may report on behalf of a resident using any of the contact numbers provided on the website, including contacting Douglas County Sheriff’s Office.

Additionally, detainees will receive ongoing PREA Education about their protection of sexual abuse and sexual harassment from the PREA Compliance Manager or designee. The curriculum will be designed to be age appropriate and take into consideration any limitations the resident may have.

When a complaint rises to the level of an internal investigation it will be assigned to a designated individual. All criminal investigations will be referred to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Douglas County Juvenile Detention will initiate an administrative investigation.

All detainees have an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from all aspects of the agency’s efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Douglas County Juvenile Detention will provide alternative written material, formats that accommodate the hearing and vision impaired, and delivery methods that will allow for effective understanding and communication with detainees upon intake.